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TranceHits.com • View topic - Bye Bye Beirut.........

Bye Bye Beirut.........

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Postby Fawzi » Sun Mar 01, 2009 9:19 pm

I have nothing against going out and having fun, but where you get your "keeping limits", I don't know. If limits were kept, as you say, there wouldn't have been calls for such laws as this one in the first place, be it a good or bad law.

And please don't give me that patriotic "go to better places if you don't think Lebanon is heaven" crap.
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Postby Icepick » Sun Mar 01, 2009 10:06 pm

am not giving it to you, its how you should act, if you dont like something change it and stop the fucken nagging...
Im not being patriotic, its how you should think...

once upon a time there was a boy that was born to make a change in this cruel world of mortals. this boy became a man and this man became old and died. thats about it..
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Postby Fawzi » Sun Mar 01, 2009 10:30 pm

"Nagging?" :lol:

You're the one who's nagging about the law! If you don't like, move somewhere else where they don't have it!

"How you should think" goes beyond just "enjoying what you have". How you should think is thinking of ways to improve what you have. Whether this law is the way to go or not, I don't know, IMO it has its advantages and disadvantages.

What you're doing is ignoring the fact that some morals are being abused and hiding behind the fact that Lebanese people "love life".

And you should really learn to argue properly. I have tried twice to talk about the argument at hand, but you replied twice with personal attacks and nothing related to the subject.

I'm out on this. Feel free to love your life as you wish.
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Postby Icepick » Sun Mar 01, 2009 11:39 pm

Bro, i didnt attack you nor were my posts an attack to start with, im just saying if someone doesnt like where they are just leave simple and easy...no need to nag about it.

You said the same in your post so thats something we agree on...
once upon a time there was a boy that was born to make a change in this cruel world of mortals. this boy became a man and this man became old and died. thats about it..
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Postby TranceFusion » Mon Mar 02, 2009 1:37 am

The Spaniards also love life (i think that all Mediterranean people do) and they have such laws AND RESPECT them. Respect is a characteristic that is generally missing in lebanese people. Whether it is respect for the law, for others or even self-respect. A lot of people don't know how to respect and i believe that this is because of a huge egoism (generally speaking, not targetting anyone, i know that there are exceptions and some of them are my friends). The point is, if this simple law can't pass, no other law will pass because people here just don't want to have an organized society, they are happy with what they have. This law (in this topic) has its advantages and disadvantages and for sure the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. How come? This was proved in the rest of the world! Why do certain countries keep on moving forward? Because they have the right attitude or if you prefer the right approach and the strong will.
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Postby Johnny » Mon Mar 02, 2009 3:33 am

it's nice to know that Rania is appointed to end debates whenever she wants :lol: well it's far from being over unless she wants to lock the topic and force us to shut up :P

in my opinion, it's very simple: this law is both useful and useless. it's useful against places in residential areas that don't have sound proofing (any of the unprofessional unaware money lovers in gemayze) and with unorganized valet parking (such as Snatch, spoon and etc..) who block the traffic for hours and force the people to honk non stop.

If such places don't do anything about their sound proofing or their valet parking then I'm 100% with the law and no one should disagree on that. Try living in a building where the ground floor has a pub or a night club with a sub woofer that shakes the entire structure, including your room and your bed, until the early hours of the morning. would you be comfortable with that after 2 a.m.? I don't think so.

the law is useless when it generalizes all places (including the ones that don't bother) AND the restaurants such as ZwZ. It makes absolutely no sense as I don't think anyone could complain from someone eating his breakfast inside that restaurant. not that a loud laugh between now and then would get to the flat and the room of the person supposedly annoyed...

so let's hope the law gets only applied on the places in residential areas such as Gemayze and let the people get used to going out a bit earlier (probably 9 pm) so that they would enjoy an extra hour of partying without disturbing the peace. this way as Kamil said they would leave early and avoid car accidents thus injuring/killing themselves or others.

on a final note Rania, the hotel industry is NOT totally relying on the people who are coming from abroad just to go out at night :lol: it's just plain stupid to make that statement in general without any concrete proof. They come for business (which actually makes the profit to the economy in the country) and they go out a little bit in their extra time (to make the rest of their contribution to the economy).

but "Bye Bye Beirut"??? are you serious??? :lol what a negative way to take new things and try to resolve an issue! bye bye Beirut! (w khlossna :lol: i'm moving somewhere else.... NOT!!) Lebanese nightlife will not die if this law is applied correctly and i'm pretty sure us lebos will get accustomed to going out early to party and have fun and go home safe earlier. eventually the same amount of money will be spent and the entire economy sector mentioned in some posts here will be saved :lol:
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Postby Icepick » Mon Mar 02, 2009 11:41 am

agrees with johnny
That was my primary point , traffic and lack of sound proofing is the problem and not the late closing hours...
once upon a time there was a boy that was born to make a change in this cruel world of mortals. this boy became a man and this man became old and died. thats about it..
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Postby TRANCED » Mon Mar 02, 2009 11:56 am

Well I ended the debate from my side. You are free to keep on arguing all you want.

Yet i know how to shut you up without locking the topic Mr. Johnny :P
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Postby maDJam » Mon Mar 02, 2009 2:21 pm

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Postby Proof » Mon Mar 02, 2009 2:35 pm

- Rodrigo Mateo - Carbon Monoxide (Praveen Achary Remix) [Baires Records]
- Alter Breed - Blue White (Praveen Achary Remix) [Spherax Recordings]
- Praveen Achary - Butterflies [Mirabilis Recordings]
- Praveen Achary - Pull My Legato [MakTub Music]
- Praveen Achary - Crossover (Incl remixes by Fiord, Manuel Sofia (MOS) & Tanseer) [MakTub Music]
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Postby Johnny » Mon Mar 02, 2009 3:55 pm

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Postby maDJam » Tue Mar 03, 2009 5:27 am

Man I really hate the way (practically) everything in this country has to do with politics...

Can't we show them how important (socially) it is for us to go out on weekends after all the stressful work, traffic and other issues we all deal with everyday?

Now they wanna limit our time out at night (like Dubai's 3am curfew or the East Coast of the US 2am curfew)-

Can u imagine what would happen? It'll all go into private parties at villas n stuff, but hundreds of them every weekend- that's going back to the underground scene!

Kinda the same way Ibiza suffered last summer with the 6am curfew (10am re-open)

what are you going to do when all of a sudden POOF the lights go on, music goes off and we gotta leave?

Oh no-

One of the main reasons people party in Beirut is cause there's NO LIMIT to how long it can go on for...

Haram if this comes into effect- who's ready to join me and stand against it?

No Applicable Limit For Any Club


Sounds good!

Anyway fingers crossed nothing happens...
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Postby Qulture » Tue Mar 03, 2009 11:22 am


NAL-FAC is hilarious ... but count me in ... ! because i look at Beirut as my destination to run away from the Middle East ... and being able to club until 7.00 am at B.O is one of those reasons !!

Now , i think the main issue ( as we have suffered the same here in Jordan) is the bad urban planning ! Dont give permits to places that will play loud music in residential areas , and everything will be fine !

The coolest thing in Ibiza last year , was gathering outside the club at 7 am , while everyone is deciding where to go next !! CRAZY !!

East Coast in the US has a 2.00 AM curfew ?? I was in DC 2003 , and i left at 6 AM .. !! maybe its new ... ?
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Postby TranceFusion » Tue Mar 03, 2009 1:29 pm

So this curfew should be abolished everywhere? If this law is applied everywhere then it means that there is a very good reason to it. Of course there is some suffering since a law puts certain limits but it also has its good side, unless no one in this country wants to have an organized society. There always is a mafia that will veto this or that law. This is too fuckin much dammit! So many issues need to be solved. If reducing noise and organizing valet is so hard then bigger and more complicated issues will never be solved! Some people like those mafias need to be put on a very very short leash seriously. Then introducing order and respect will be a bit easier. Like Kay said earlier, even a jungle has rules, Lebanon doesnt have any! Like my uncle just told me, you all are against "2anoun and nizam". Imagine that you become 45-50 years old and have pubs as your neighbors you will insult every weekend all those young people for the noise they make. And you will wish that this law is applied so that you can rest at night after 5 days of hard work. In addition if you have a 2y.o. baby who cries all friday night and saturday night because he/she cant sleep, you will wish that you can murder those young people for not respecting you and your family. But no you wouldnt imagine that, too busy being egoistic to the max (national personality characteristic of Lebanon). No one cares about those residents. And when one minister tries to do something he's dissed! WTF?! Go out at 9pm, enjoy as much as you can, go home at 1h30 and let the residents of Gemmayzeh get some sleep. Is it that hard? It certainly is for egoistic people. In the end what im trying to say can be put in this one sentence: PUT YOURSELVES IN THE PLACE OF THOSE RESIDENTS AND THEN WE CAN TALK. This is a huge shame really...

But i see that when it comes to laws, Lebanese are almost impossible to satisfy. So here's a compromise:
Pubs and clubs close the doors at 2am. Afterparty clubs get a permit. NO MORE ALCOHOL FROM 00h30am. People leave the pubs and clubs at 1h30am. Make the valet staff fuckin organized and teach them to respect others' cars. BAN HORNS ON CLUBBING STREETS like Gemmayzeh AND IN THE DAYTIME EVERYWHERE IN THE CITIES. Put well-trained and incorruptible cops in Gemmayzeh streets to keep an eye on those who enjoy disobeying the law.

Btw home parties are also cool. What's wrong with the underground scene? :?

Crossing fingers that ANYTHING POSITIVE happens :?
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Postby maDJam » Tue Mar 03, 2009 1:50 pm

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