it's nice to know that Rania is appointed to end debates whenever she wants

well it's far from being over unless she wants to lock the topic and force us to shut up

in my opinion, it's very simple: this law is both useful and useless. it's useful against places in residential areas that don't have sound proofing (any of the unprofessional unaware money lovers in gemayze) and with unorganized valet parking (such as Snatch, spoon and etc..) who block the traffic for hours and force the people to honk non stop.
If such places don't do anything about their sound proofing or their valet parking then I'm 100% with the law and no one should disagree on that. Try living in a building where the ground floor has a pub or a night club with a sub woofer that shakes the entire structure, including your room and your bed, until the early hours of the morning. would you be comfortable with that after 2 a.m.? I don't think so.
the law is useless when it generalizes all places (including the ones that don't bother)
AND the restaurants such as ZwZ. It makes absolutely no sense as I don't think anyone could complain from someone eating his breakfast inside that restaurant. not that a loud laugh between now and then would get to the flat and the room of the person supposedly annoyed...
so let's hope the law gets only applied on the places in residential areas such as Gemayze and let the people get used to going out a bit earlier (probably 9 pm) so that they would enjoy an extra hour of partying without disturbing the peace. this way as Kamil said they would leave early and avoid car accidents thus injuring/killing themselves or others.
on a final note Rania, the hotel industry is
NOT totally relying on the people who are coming from abroad just to go out at night

it's just plain stupid to make that statement in general without any concrete proof. They come for business (which actually makes the profit to the economy in the country) and they go out a little bit in their extra time (to make the rest of their contribution to the economy).
but "Bye Bye Beirut"??? are you serious??? :lol what a negative way to take new things and try to resolve an issue! bye bye Beirut! (w khlossna

i'm moving somewhere else.... NOT!!) Lebanese nightlife will not die if this law is applied correctly and i'm pretty sure us lebos will get accustomed to going out early to party and have fun and go home safe earlier. eventually the same amount of money will be spent and the entire economy sector mentioned in some posts here will be saved