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Stop Smoking Lebanon

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Re: Stop Smoking Lebanon

Postby TRANCED » Sat Nov 28, 2009 4:13 pm

Perhaps you should get yourself a whole new bunch of friends, since you consider everyone ELSE so lucky and so respectful.

It's not about your friends! It's the rules.
Whether your friends smoke OR NOT, your shirt and hair WILL stink because everyone else IS SMOKING! So why don't you give your friends a break in here?????

And call me stupid and irrational, but to my own logic, those WHO DO SMOKE will NOT sign any freakking petition! Why should they????
It's like asking alcoholics to sign a petition to ban alcohol?? Or clubbers to close in clubs early?
Absolute nonsense! Of course they won't sign the petition! Go ask NON-SMOKERS to do so!!! only common sense you know....

I am not even a smoker myself!
But other things do affect healthy badly, other than smoking... And i strongly believe that one of them is irrational constant anger.
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Re: Stop Smoking Lebanon

Postby Genesis » Sat Nov 28, 2009 4:57 pm

Why ban it? I don't get it...

I mean... this is sort of missing the point.

Smokers need help. If they can go back in time and say NO to that first cigarette, then they would. Most smokers don't like the fact that they smoke. Some of them do. But the point is; the government should provide help and assistance for those who want to quit rather than try to ''protect'' those who don't: start smokers assistance services, set up a free helpline, and encourage people to quit through advertising. They might want to start by stop putting cigarette ads on telly or at least restrict it to certain times when children are not watching telly, at least target your market through advertising at the right times and during the right programmes. Make it more expensive so that people can't afford it easily anymore and have another motive to quit.

Non-smokers don't need help or protections. Smokers need help. It's an addiction that most of them don't enjoy.

UK introduced the smoking ban two years ago. But they're ban cigarette advertising and manufacturing AGES ago. A pack of cigarettes here in Ireland costs up to 7 euros. Instead of advertising for cigarettes, they advertise for nicotine patches, helplines, support groups, and all sort of stuff to help you take that first step and quit for your OWN health and benefit instead of protecting non-smokers (many of which are crazy hypochondriacs anyway).

No, I'm not a smoker. But just try to be sensible and look around at the problem itself rather banning public smoking. Ban it by all means; there's nothing wrong with that. But they're helping the wrong people.
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Re: Stop Smoking Lebanon

Postby Fawzi » Sat Nov 28, 2009 5:33 pm

*Likes Gen's post :thumbright:*
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Re: Stop Smoking Lebanon

Postby TranceFusion » Sat Nov 28, 2009 6:20 pm

Rania you're missing the WHOLE point of this petition. I dunno if it's a problem with reading or with seeing the big picture. This petition is about creating a section for NON-smokers so that the smokers can still smoke AS MUCH AS THEY WANT and not make us breathe their smoke! What's so hard to understand in "make sure to provide a non smoking section in every........" ????? This doesn't mean that the smokers will be forbidden to smoke! As a first step this is something good although i prefer that the whole package of anti-smoking is introduced at once (advertising limitations and bans, assistance programmes, nicotine chewing gums and similar stuff, advertising the risks of smoking, etc...). I know that everyone else is smoking but i don't know "everyone else", i know you (you=the group) so i'm talking to you and if you can limit smoking (geesh in a few hours each of you have the superpower to smoke 1 full package at events or in the pub!) then it's gonna be a victory for you (most importantly YOU) and me!

With that addiction it's like alcoholism, workaholism and sexoholism. The majority of addicted people do NOT enjoy, they smoke/have sex/drink/whatever because they feel compelled! I presented last week in class the topic of stress at work and there was a section about workaholism, check the definition of a workaholic, such people do NOT enjoy work. What rules are you talking about? Since when there is a rule about smoking? Who in heaven's sake invented such a rule that people should smoke to be "cool"?! Why are you in a defensive mode?? I'll never give a break cuz i CARE about my friends! But on a second thought maybe i should give a break since they don't even want to care about their own health, i have my own health to care about so maybe i shouldn't give a fuck about others' problems. I can try that but i can't promise anything since by nature i care about others and i love helping others!

I dunno if this is something that i can say... but i'm gonna say it. I remember when in 2002 my cousin's wife lost her dad because of thyroid cancer (heavy smoker) and you have NO IDEA how much she suffered and cried for days!! This is how thyroid cancer looks like and i saw it with my own eyes!! It was heartbreaking to see my cousin's wife in this state. So yea... this is what is waiting for you, my friends who smoke and beg me to give them a break, stop annoying them. And this is what is waiting your relatives, so if you don't even care about your relatives' well-being and feelings, then you're the biggest EGOISTS in the universe. I love you and all, and a real friend doesn't shut up when something goes wrong, he's the first one to talk!

Do you know why people smoke?? Nicotine. That's the substance that makes you smoke cigarettes. And you'll find thousands of other shit chemicals in the cigarette. So instead of smoking and inhale all that shit you can start your therapy with those nicotine chewing gums, for example 8 per day at the beginning (2 weeks for example), then slowly decrease the amount per day and eventually your organism will stop begging for nicotine. It's not impossible if you have strong faith that you'll succeed :wink: positive thinking!! (The Secret by Rhonda Byrnes)

Honestly i don't care if you'll start hating me because of that (and that would mean that my friends aren't real friends :wink:) but i'll never give a break :)
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Re: Stop Smoking Lebanon

Postby lebanese_raver » Sat Nov 28, 2009 7:00 pm

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Re: Stop Smoking Lebanon

Postby TranceFusion » Sat Nov 28, 2009 9:38 pm

I signed it when i first opened this topic :)
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Re: Stop Smoking Lebanon

Postby TranceFusion » Wed Dec 09, 2009 3:40 pm

Hopefully the final goal of this mission will be achieved and sustained!
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Re: Stop Smoking Lebanon

Postby Nicktalopia » Wed Dec 23, 2009 9:36 pm



good luck :P
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Re: Stop Smoking Lebanon

Postby ziz00_909 » Thu Dec 24, 2009 1:24 am

^ LOL...what region?! :P
naturally Artificial!
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Re: Stop Smoking Lebanon

Postby Night Stalker » Mon Jan 04, 2010 12:27 am

its about time to set the BPM ON FIRE.....

"It wasn't God that did this to us man, it was you... you fucking fat narcotics agent!"

Have you watched: "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas on WEED man?"
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