Diablo you have given proof to why the financial market is dead thus agreeing with me. War = Threat = No investment = no financial market = dead economy. If we keep begging (nish7ad bi kil ma3na el kilme) for money whether from the gulf or the Paris meetings then God help us when the world & gulf stop giving a $hit. I fully agree with you Head-Kay on the gulf MAJOR help we received after the July war. Billions of $$$ poured into the central bank making our L.L VERY stable. We owe them big time yet many Lebanese cuss & swear at KSA, UAE, Kuwait & Qatar.
Rania there is a famous Lebanese proverb that says "El Libnani biyitdayan la yitzayan." It is very true! Even if we are broke we go out. Some do it for fame uploading pics on FB to show friends the sahra in Gemayze while others do it to change their mood.