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TranceHits.com • View topic - One more reason to hate Tiesto .....

One more reason to hate Tiesto .....

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One more reason to hate Tiesto .....

Postby Qulture » Mon Oct 12, 2009 1:43 pm

I am kidding ....

But what an asshole !!! Check this video out !!! It was taken right after his gig in Atlanta , GA in the US .

Apparently the show had alot of problems , but thats not an excuse to do what he just did ... although i think its hilarious !!

LOL !!!

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Re: One more reason to hate Tiesto .....

Postby Genesis » Mon Oct 12, 2009 2:09 pm

It's that time of the month for him, isn't it? :lol:
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Re: One more reason to hate Tiesto .....

Postby Nicktalopia » Mon Oct 12, 2009 4:21 pm

On a side note, his new Album is selling like weed topping most of itunes charts.
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Re: One more reason to hate Tiesto .....

Postby samer » Mon Oct 12, 2009 4:31 pm

maybe the girl was covered in smelly sweat that he had to evade her and run for his life? :roll:
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Re: One more reason to hate Tiesto .....

Postby TranceFusion » Mon Oct 12, 2009 5:24 pm

I can understand that he doesn't want to hug the girl (sweat etc...) cuz anyway it's not cool to "attack" him, but he could gently ask her not to hug him, just behave in a nice way! He also ignored the guy who simply asked for an autograph (i think) and THAT WAS NOT COOL. He was maybe pissed off for whatever reason but as an internationally popular guy he should learn to control emotions and behave the right way in public. News spread really really fast nowadays! It just makes my opinion about him stronger than before! Fuck him :) he's maybe fed up with all that popularity, so i guess that it's the right time to retire bastard!
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Re: One more reason to hate Tiesto .....

Postby crow » Mon Oct 12, 2009 5:33 pm

Actually I don't see anything wrong with what he did. Why do we always have to pick on the smallest things these people do and hate on them for it? He could be having a bad day. Or maybe he just doesn't stand the crap he gets from the crowd anymore. Not everyone has the same tolerance level.

I'm just saying...
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Re: One more reason to hate Tiesto .....

Postby ziz00_909 » Tue Oct 13, 2009 11:28 am

^very good point crow.

I remember last summer when i attended his gig at forum the crowd was litteraly SCUM .. They were throwing all kind of things at him and cursing and stuff .. But the smile never got off his face..
So give the guy a break will you :P .If i were him id be PISSED. And doing far more than ignoring g fan.not to mention the technical prob mentioed
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Re: One more reason to hate Tiesto .....

Postby e-sam » Wed Oct 14, 2009 9:52 am

Are we the paparazzi? Even if he didn't sign or hug that is his personality and we cannot make him change it. There are million reasons why someone might be in a bad mood & it isn't wrong or "not cool" to evade people. At least he didn't pushed them away or told them to F* off! He quietly slipped away behind the scene and that is very PROFESSIONAL.
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Re: One more reason to hate Tiesto .....

Postby lyonx » Wed Oct 14, 2009 4:49 pm

He has his reasons to act like that... and who are we to criticize him?
People should stop the bashing and try to look at things in an other way...maybe he was in a hurry and he cant stop to sign and hug every fan he bumps into.
I'm more than sure that Tiesto is loyal to his fans, I guess there's no need to prove that.
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Re: One more reason to hate Tiesto .....

Postby samer » Thu Oct 15, 2009 9:06 am

i think maybe ppl should care less about his attitude and care more about his music.. if he's a scumbag then he can join the club of the majority of the celebrities in the music/movie business. it's not like all other DJs are angels!
i wish ppl would discuss music as much as they would discuss personal life when it comes to certain DJs.
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Re: One more reason to hate Tiesto .....

Postby crow » Thu Oct 15, 2009 9:18 am

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Re: One more reason to hate Tiesto .....

Postby Qulture » Thu Oct 15, 2009 11:22 am

Lol ....

you guys are funny ! its not like we are tracing Dj's every single move !! I found this to be very funny ... how the girl got pushed away is hilarious .... !!!

i seriously dont care about any celebrity's life , and understand how they get pissed off when everything they do gets out in public ! and i also think the channel E should get banned forever ....

But let me remind you that you created the lounge here on TH , and you clearly stated that we can say ANYTHING that comes to our mind .... i dont see harm in starting such a funny topic every once in a while , knowing that i have started and participated in a good share of the constructive arguments here on TH :D

Now , did you hear about Armin's latest shopping spree ??? they say he went mad after his wedding, and decided to shop since all his clothes look the same ?!!?! and Ferry is thinking of getting a nose job , he wants to have a smaller one so he wont smell all the body odur at gigs ..... !!! hahahahahahaha

ASEF :oops:
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Re: One more reason to hate Tiesto .....

Postby crow » Thu Oct 15, 2009 12:24 pm

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Re: One more reason to hate Tiesto .....

Postby TranceFusion » Thu Oct 15, 2009 1:39 pm

^ :lol:
So you actually end up defending Ferry! :P same for everyone else who defend their favorite DJs :mrgreen:
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Re: One more reason to hate Tiesto .....

Postby crow » Thu Oct 15, 2009 2:00 pm

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