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Some barberic acts.

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Some barberic acts.

Postby Nicktalopia » Thu Aug 13, 2009 2:48 pm

It's translated via google so bare the grammar mistakes of the translator.

Were the major crimes court charged with the murder of a Jordanian was killed due to the minor daughter of his brother, "the defense of honor" after knowing that she had been raped a year ago and gave birth to illegitimate child, according to judicial sources, on Wednesday 12-8-2009.

The source said that "the accused (41 years) was arrested after firing eight bullets at his brother's daughter (16 years) in various parts of the body led to her death in victory (east of Amman)."

" According to the source, the offender who was still carrying a pistol, the moment of his arrest, claiming he pleaded guilty to the commission to "cleanse the family honor"

He pointed out that "the defendant had confessed to his crime immediately, claiming that he committed his family to clean up the privilege of knowing that his daughter was raped last year and gave birth to a child two months ago and kept by her family."
The punishment for murder in Jordan to death by hanging, however, that the Court impose a lesser sentence in the case of the so-called "honor crimes," especially if they have waived their right of personal victim.

Jordan has an annual 15 to 20 murders are classified as "crimes of honor."
It is noteworthy that the Jordanian House of Representatives rejected the amendment to article 340 of the Penal Code which imposes a lesser sentence on the perpetrators of honor crimes, despite pressure from human rights organizations to tighten.
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Re: Some barberic acts.

Postby Nicktalopia » Thu Aug 13, 2009 2:51 pm

Seriously what's the point
some people are such a waste of oxygen and shouldn't be alive.
She was raped ffs, it's not like it was voluntarily sex, even if it was, she shouldn't be killed for it.
The king of Jordan is known to be extremely educated, i don't know why they haven't passed a low against such crimes.
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Re: Some barberic acts.

Postby Genesis » Thu Aug 13, 2009 3:21 pm

What the hell Qussay?! Could you explain all this for us?!!!

On a more serious note....... ah fuck it... it's too obvious..
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Re: Some barberic acts.

Postby DIONYSOS » Fri Aug 14, 2009 9:09 am

In Saudi Arabia if a girl gets raped she gets whipped as a punishment by the government for allowing herself to be raped!!!
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Re: Some barberic acts.

Postby Nicktalopia » Fri Aug 14, 2009 10:08 am

Do they even realize that women have no choice in such cases :lol:
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Re: Some barberic acts.

Postby e-sam » Fri Aug 14, 2009 10:44 am

In KSA if a Saudi girl (Sheikha and above) have sex with a foreign guy she turns him to a sex slave (with or without his agreement) or she'll report him to the authorities & they will banish him after some whipping. So WATCH OUT from those numbers thrown at you in malls & other public places because you don't want to be dominated by sadist females.
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Re: Some barberic acts.

Postby Nicktalopia » Fri Aug 14, 2009 2:40 pm

Which reminds me..
Where's Alain ? :-#
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Re: Some barberic acts.

Postby Genesis » Fri Aug 14, 2009 4:25 pm

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Re: Some barberic acts.

Postby Qulture » Sun Aug 16, 2009 12:29 pm

LOL ...

Gen , its not like i work for the government , or i make these rules !!! :)

It has been such a contraversial subject here in Jordan for sooo long now , and the problem is , they cant seem to change or amend that law so far !

The Queen is in direct battle with this law , in order to change it and stop the killing of innocent women !

Now the problem is , most of the Jordanian population , still live with the mentality of Tribalism ( which is a bit sad ) . and even the highest ranking government officials , with high level of education and impressive experience records , still go back to their Tribal rules and regulations ! Some are scared to change it , and others follow it blindly !

I am sure the King is against this law as well , but the reason why he hasnt stepped up to change it , is still unclear to me !
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Re: Some barberic acts.

Postby TranceFusion » Mon Aug 17, 2009 2:24 pm

Some parts of the world still live in the middle ages... sad :(
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Re: Some barberic acts.

Postby samlbronkowitz » Mon Aug 17, 2009 2:30 pm

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Re: Some barberic acts.

Postby Qulture » Tue Aug 18, 2009 12:19 pm


Simple , you go to Saudi Arabia !!
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