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TranceHits.com • View topic - To all chocolate junkies

To all chocolate junkies

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To all chocolate junkies

Postby tarantula » Wed Mar 04, 2009 4:55 pm

If you're one of those who secretly knows that you are a chocolate addict and frequently go on chocolate binges, it's time you realize and read up on some of its effects on your body.

During the last several decades the scientific literature has pointed to chocolate for its alleged role in many body maladies. They have discovered that chocolate can cause migraines, acne, obesity, dental cavities, heartburn, rectal itching, and coronary problems. And a new study implicates two chemicals in chocolate - theobromine and caffeine - as villains in a disorder known as fibrocystic breast disease. This benign ailment is characterized by fibrous tissue and cyst fluid in the breasts. Chocolate also contains methylxanthines which accelerate chemical activity involved in the body's cellular metabolism and can cause certain sensitive tissues to proliferate. WOMEN WITH FIBROCYSTIC BREAST DISEASE ARE FOUR TIMES MORE LIKELY TO DEVELOP BREAST CANCER AS NORMAL WOMEN.

Chocolate also is loaded with another chemical, phenylethylamine, a compound related to amphetamine. This can lead to emotional problems such as feelings of anger, irritability and confusion, depression, hyperactivity, hallucinations, and even violent behavior. Dr. Marshall Mandell, in his book "5-Day Allergy Relief System", noted that milk chocolate caused impaired memory and deteriorated penmanship as well as mental confusion for a nine-year-old boy.

Frequent consumption of chocolate leads to addiction, and many people are allergic to chocolate and don't realize the symptoms they have are caused by it. Psychiatrists have pointed out that people resort to chocolate binges when they are depressed.

Chocolate is very high in sugar and some sugar junkies need a fix every three to four hours. Most candy bars contain at least 45% sugar, and the rest is fat. A mere ounce of the stuff contains 151 calories. If you reach for a handful of almonds that aren't mired in the gooey confection, the calorie count is only 60. And a few slices of apples contain only 65 calories.

Getting kids to crave things like ice cream, cookies, candy, and chocolate is not only bad, IT'S EVIL... Nowadays they even manufacture millions of pounds of fruit covered with chocolate. And mothers complain immediately if schools quit serving chocolate milk because their kids won't drink milk without chocolate. Well, I read recently of at least one institution that quit serving chocolate - our local prison - because the prisoners kept BREAKING OUT.


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Postby DonSerj » Wed Mar 04, 2009 9:34 pm

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Postby silver_edge » Wed Mar 04, 2009 9:45 pm

Underground will live forever baby,were just like roaches...Live forever,never die
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Postby TranceFusion » Wed Mar 04, 2009 10:53 pm

* Eternally Living In *
***A State Of Trance***

When you dream, there are no rules
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Postby Genesis » Wed Mar 04, 2009 11:00 pm

If your trance was a pretty blonde ballerina; then what I listen to is a peed-off bulky bouncer pounding the living shit out of your ballerina.
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Postby TranceFusion » Thu Mar 05, 2009 12:18 am

* Eternally Living In *
***A State Of Trance***

When you dream, there are no rules
People Can Fly
Anything can happen
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Postby Qulture » Thu Mar 05, 2009 11:15 am

LOL @ Gen ... ~~ !

I eat chocolate everyday .... i used to eat it , as soon as i woke up , but have switched now to dates .... they give more energy , and they taste great !!

Unfortunately , i will never give chocolate up .. i can reduce the intake .. but cant give it up ....

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Postby TranceFusion » Thu Mar 05, 2009 12:28 pm

^ BINGO!!! :mrgreen:
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Postby A-Cube » Fri Mar 06, 2009 2:17 pm

If you follow everything scientists say, you'll end up on a cockroach and guacamole diet.

Let's live dangerously and have one Snickers bar a day!!! (I feel so wild right now)

Welcome to DJ.Malaria you may wonder why I called this group Dj Malaria.
Just like Malaria takes over a person's body when it hits them i want my music's originality to control the soul of whoever hears it in that sense my music is more powerful than Malaria,and I'm sure it will but in a positive way of

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Postby silver_edge » Fri Mar 06, 2009 2:41 pm

Enjoy the sweet richness of the following poem. See if you can visualize the thoughts it brings to you.

Here I sit, eating chocolate chips.
To quit eating chocolate, I need more than tips.
There are so many kinds of chocolate, it's hard to choose.
No matter which one you pick, you just can't lose.

There is milk chocolate, sweet chocolate, and semi-sweet.
I really like dark chocolate! It's such a treat!!!
There is also mint chocolate & white chocolate -- I'm not through!
There is cereal, cake, cookies, candy, pudding, pie & ice cream too.

Chocolate tastes so rich, and sweet, and sometimes smooth.
It can help make you feel better, or help your heartache sooth.
There are many chocolate drinks. Have some, just for fun --
cappuccino, chocolate milk, mocha & cocoa -- try more than one!

Is chocolate as good as a hug, or a pat on the back?
What if I'm out of chocolate, when I have my next attack??!!
I could just imagine that I'm eating chocolate, I suppose.
If I eat lots of chocolate all day long, would I overdose?

Where would I go... what would I ever do... without chocolate?
Nothing can compare. Not even one word rhymes with chocolate!
Do I take it for granted that I can always get more?
I could eat chocolate candies, by the score!

Is chocolate something to fear -- is it really a curse?
Is it something to be avoided, or is it much worse?
Or... is chocolate the eighth wonder? Is it a total delight?
Something you savor for so long? Or love with all your might?
Underground will live forever baby,were just like roaches...Live forever,never die
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Postby Nicoco » Fri Mar 06, 2009 11:26 pm

here's the party pooper :P fuck it if chocolate ends up killing you then let's all smoke to death! everything seems to kill you these days...even water is getting put under suspicion!
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