Amazon customer's review on "The Secret"

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Amazon customer's review on "The Secret"

Postby crow » Sun Jan 18, 2009 10:41 am


I lolled
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Postby DIONYSOS » Sun Jan 18, 2009 8:12 pm

I didn't bother reading. Just as I didn't bother reading the book. I watched the DVD to know what the hype was all about and it was enough to make me not bother to read the book - just a cocktail of "feel good / self help" bullshit stolen from religion, some idiotic philosophies, and Dr. Phil, then given a new guise that sells easy.

The entire "The Secret" movement only proves 2 things: what a powerful force marketing is, and how fucking stupid is most of the human race.

Combine these 2, and you have CAPITALISM. But that's another topic.
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Postby crow » Sun Jan 18, 2009 8:42 pm

If you read the review, you would have realised that it's a joke ....
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Postby lebanese_raver » Sun Jan 18, 2009 8:51 pm

It's just ppl are weak! they need something to make them stronger or even have some sort of positive impact on their life. Anyway if this book makes a big percentage of ppl happy, then i'm def greatfull 2 the ppl who are behind this book. im also impressed by the marketing strategy the guys followed! they made fortunes.

Anyway, until now I didn't read the book or either watched the dvd, i find both total BS. I might one day, so either i;m gonna LMAO, or find it interesting.
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