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TranceHits.com • View topic - Radio TH ?!

Radio TH ?!

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Radio TH ?!

Postby Ahmesh » Sat Sep 26, 2009 12:39 pm

You've got the djs that can play.
You've got a website.
Why not add a radio to your website that will make it much popular?
Radio TH?
The Middle Eastern Electronic Dance Music Radio.( i got you a slogan too 8) )..?
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Re: Radio TH ?!

Postby DIONYSOS » Sat Sep 26, 2009 8:36 pm

I doubt any of the current crew has time or motivation to run a radio :P maybe we need a new crew :mrgreen:
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Re: Radio TH ?!

Postby Ahmesh » Sat Sep 26, 2009 11:47 pm

And here is the first example of a GREAT dj who would be happy to join Radio TH.
I know they don't have the time.. but seriously this place needs it.. its a good idea( i think so :P).. you and other djs could join in a create a GREAT radio for TH.

Admins ? Are u there ?
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Re: Radio TH ?!

Postby Ali N » Sun Sep 27, 2009 12:05 am

I really find this an amazing idea!! Having all the TH DJs joined together under one radio, each one with his own show and stuff like that!! It's a nice idea.
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Re: Radio TH ?!

Postby Genesis » Sun Sep 27, 2009 12:19 am

We had a jukebox and we had it very well-updated for a good run. We stuffed it with all the top shows on the web, but traffic on it went very slow since it's a lot more convenient for people to download the shows than stream it from here on Lebanon's mediocre connection speeds.

That basically is why we stopped the jukebox (similar enough as it may be to a radio).

On a separate note, most of the site's crew are not DJs. We're just regular people with regular jobs who just love banging their heads to EDM and refuse to grow old :mrgreen:

There's a handful of DJs on the website but whether they'd be serious enough to put up a collective effort like that is debatable.

I still believe that we're simply not large enough. A few years ago we peaked with activity when we were the only non-biased and established EDM website in the country. Maybe we should've taken advantage of this back then when we had the support and following. I still think that we can get there again but we need to reach out rather than sit and wait for people to sign up.

Facebook remains a resource that we haven't tapped into yet. Plenty of potential there.

I still don't understand what you mean by ''TH radio'' though... Could you elaborate on that please? Do you mean a jukebox type thing? Or an actual building dubbed Zizi FM? :P
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Re: Radio TH ?!

Postby Ahmesh » Sun Sep 27, 2009 12:43 am

Okay first what i meant by a radio is just like any radio like

And well yes you guys had a great chance back then, but we can start now.
And those handful of djs you're talking about are lebanon's best djs , you don't see DJ Mohamad Van Ali... You see raneem and dio (Sorry for not mentioning others :P ) . And yeah you're right they won't have the time too i guess..

Just thought it would improve Trancehits.com and add some activity to it.
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Re: Radio TH ?!

Postby Genesis » Sun Sep 27, 2009 2:40 am

That doesn't sound too bad at all.

You need those DJs to have regular sets to air on the radio (weekly, bi-monthly, monthly.... so on and so forth ). Most of the DJs already have shows; Beirut on Fire, Mastermix... and the lads are occupied with those shows along with their daily jobs. To get those sets and air them on our radio would prove pointless and lacks exclusivity of any sort as they already are on other radios and thus, defying the whole purpose of having a dedicated radio with a unique content.

This particular suggestion doesn't rely heavily on TH and managing the radio as much as the DJs' availability and willingness to wag their tails over the concept and churn out regular sets. If we can have some DJs on board then we could have enough of an argument to discuss with the rest of the crew, vote on it, and see what happens from there.
Ultimately, it's the admin's decision.

To be honest with ya, I'm not sure how those online radios work - have you any clue? Do you know how they are managed or maintained?
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Re: Radio TH ?!

Postby Ahmesh » Sun Sep 27, 2009 3:48 am

My idea is to join all these shows in 1 radio.. and maybe join nrj and mix fm's djs together and create 1 unique radio. Because if that ever happens trancehits.com will become lebanon's number 1 music website,and who knows what more...

And i guess you're 100% right

And plus i think its too late...

But i've been wanting to ask something for a long time.

Is trancehits.com going to be deactivated when it reaches its 6th year? You see i kinda noticed that back in the days when trancehits first appeared people were always active on it. But now things have changed...i think.

And i just thought that giving new ideas (the radio) might help keep trancehits.com for a while longer..
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Re: Radio TH ?!

Postby DonSerj » Sun Sep 27, 2009 6:03 pm

no pesos no radio
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Re: Radio TH ?!

Postby DIONYSOS » Sun Sep 27, 2009 6:12 pm

Always refreshing to see an energized member!

Before discussing the radio - which I think is a GREAT idea - allow me to talk about TH in general.

It's true that productivity decreased lately, for many reasons that I do not wish to venture into detail now. One of the main reasons is related to the TH crew evolving in life (yet refusing to grow old as Gen brilliantly coined it!) and as a result not having as much free time as before to keep the site active. I can speak of myself: there was a time when I'd log in and out all day long every day, post quasi-daily reviews of the latest Trance releases, and cover virtually every EDM event in Lebanon from the unheard of DJ in the smallest club to your favorite DJ raving with a crowd of thousands. Heck I even had my exclusive weekly show just for TH ("Dithyrambs"). But I'm no longer an undergraduate student with nothing to do but studying and music - I'm now a management consultant who doesn't even live in Lebanon anymore (for now ;)) and who travels the Middle East on a weekly basis, with barely enough time to maintain a weekly radio show and do a little production whenever I'm in the same country for more than 2 days in a row! This is my story, and every other member of the TH crew can come forth with his/her own stories. Although on this note, some crew members don't really have an excuse except bailing out, but that's another issue. Of course there are other factors behind the decline of activity on TH, such as the local scene in Lebanon witnessing a paradigm shift (some see it to the best, some to the worst), clubbers'/ravers' e-habits morphing from websites/forums to Facebook/Twitter (a solid point made by Gen about not effectively exploiting potentially prosperous areas of the web), etc...

That's just surface-level diagnostics of TH's current state of affairs from a bird's eye view. (God I really sound like a fucking consultant!). But more importantly than the diagnosis is the prognosis - "so what do we do?"

Well, as odd as this may sound from one of the 5 people who were there at TH's Day Zero, I see the solution as thus: OUT WITH THE OLD LEADERS, IN WITH THE NEW. No, I'm not asking to be de-modded and to have you guys stage a coup on SamEr & e-sam :P But I believe this is high time to reorganize TH's operating model, take out inactive old MODs and bring in young, motivated new MODs to lead TH into a more active future with wider reach and stronger impact. It would be a brave move from us old geezers to admit that, due to reasons beyond us, we are no longer capable of fulfilling this forum's potential, and that by our solo presence we are limiting its growth, hence we need to bring in young blood with fresh ideas and ambitious energy to pump a power tablet up this forum's arse and turn this place around. We usually discuss these issues in private internally between the TH crew but I believe that no one has more insight into the forum dynamics than its own members hence I am replying to this call publicly and hope that other crew members will share in their views as well. Let this be an open discussion involving both crew and members to build a brighter future for TH.

As for the radio, as I said I find it to be a good idea to add an element of change to this forum. As Gen mentioned, the jukebox concept failed, but a online radio hosting shows from DJs all over the region is well worth the gamble. The inherent challenges are, as Gen mentioned, DJs committing to submitting shows, but we don't necessarily have to start with a 24/7 schedule - we can start with what we have and build up progressively. I for one am willing to host my weekly NRJ Mastermix as my TH show as well, as unfortunately I do not have the time to dedicate an exclusive show for TH or any other media vehicle. Other DJs may (and should) be willing to do the same if the radio stations they're affiliated to permit sharing the show. And let's not forget the many rising DJs who would kill to have their sounds heard and would be far more committed than any of us - I remember myself before reaching Forum, NRJ, Basement, etc. Another challenge would be the technical and financial aspects - I honestly have no clue about either and would welcome the input of people who do. But from my end, I am willing to do my part in participating in and co-managing the initiative if there's a serious plan and adequate resourcing. Again, let this topic be an open discussion on this point as well.

Thank you Ahmesh for raising not one but two very useful points of discussion. Looking forward to the active participation of both crew and members. I will "sticky" the topic to draw more attention.

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Re: Radio TH ?!

Postby Nicktalopia » Sun Sep 27, 2009 6:15 pm

Forums aren't the next big thing anymore.
Although TH is properly managed still it's unlikely going to grow as much as we'd like it to.
Even international forums constantly advertised by some big DJs are close to being doomed, and slowly becoming a 1 time post boards either to get help on something or advertise a track or an event.

I guess we'll never figure out this mystery :P (A country supposedly big on Trance fails to be active on it's number 1 online trance dedicated forum ) weird.
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Re: Radio TH ?!

Postby Ahmesh » Sun Sep 27, 2009 7:01 pm

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Re: Radio TH ?!

Postby Ali N » Sun Sep 27, 2009 7:40 pm

Trying to begin a project like this is definitely a hard and most probably a risky one. As Dionysos previously mentioned not all DJs on the forum have the time to dedicate a special show for TH. But every DJ on TH actually already has a radio show whether it's on NRJ, Mix FM, or Radio One. So broadcasting those radio shows on TH will be an amazing idea. It would be joining all the radio shows around Lebanon on one website, which I think would be a major success.
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Re: Radio TH ?!

Postby Silver Edge » Sun Sep 27, 2009 10:15 pm

the whole idea wouldnt work at all ,at least not in lebanon y?
- an online radio station needs a lot of money to start
- needs a lot of work to launch it
- needs servers and super fast connections
-its risky
-needs a big staff to maintain it
those are the reasons i could think of right now but im sure theres a lot more ...
thats y,worldwide,u only find a couple of online radio stations ...
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Re: Radio TH ?!

Postby Ahmesh » Sun Sep 27, 2009 10:19 pm

Yes you're right but let me correct you in 1 thing

There are thousands of online radios

Just open the "radio" on iTunes you'll find thousands of radios with different genres all around the world.

It can be done. The problem is mostly the connection and maintenance
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