by System.S » Fri Nov 04, 2005 9:13 pm
First of all, let me clarify and explain the Nature and purpose of this post.
This post is posted by Patrick E. Semaan, in the name of many many users in TH.
In General, I would write down the names of the users below:
System.s / Roland / Hasneez / mimo / Divine_Mz / Trance...Emotion / Proof / Janomeg /
This post, is a scream, a shout out, from users who feel excluded, miss treated, under estimated.
This part bellow is in the name of the above mentioned users and many others, and who ever agree with us.
It has been over a year since I (I is the group) am a member here, for a while, a good while, I felt I belong here, because I share precious information with people who appreciate it, and share the same interests as I do.
But it turned out not to be the same again anymore, my information that I gather (not easly) from many resources, and my time and effort to make TH a better and a worthy place for me and others, seems are fading away.
The reasons behind this feeling, applies because of the following issues:
[1] First of all, the availability of MODS that are not doing a great job, in terms of participations, monitoring, taking suggestions in considerations and other general Mods like tasks.
Names of some of those Mods will appear in the replys for this thread, and direct pointing will be made as well, with proofs.
[2] The recent promotions for 2 new moderators, most of the members of the group who r part of this post agreed that one of the promoted users do not deserve enough the post, in relation to he's participations and other main issues.
[3] Bright Ignorance from the Mods over good suggestions.
[4] Locks of topics that should have been revised or reshaped instead of giving a SHUT UP like message.
[5] No back up, push, help has been offered to the artists in TH, weither Music artists or graphic Artists, while only one Artist has been given all the available support from everyone, and more.
[6] The Bright and Clear over taking silhouette of MIX FM's benefits over TH.
[7] Most of the Artists in TH has published their music or art work, SYSTEM.S as one of them has not seen a single tiny post . reply to any of his works, from AMADEUS or MADJAM or any other important DJs in the field, while they offered good support for all of those, for nothing in return.
SYSTEM.S quoted " I have offered support in all the ways I could, toward everyone who was trying hard to accomplish something in music but I never got in return the same support / feedback when ever I myself published something."
They are many other reasons, they will be written below from supporters to this threads, (if the chance is given to them, by not locking this topic).
I, Patrick E. Semaan, personally agree on some of the above points, I do agree that many actual MODS, are just not worth it, being Moderators, making it clear that I am saying this for the good of TH, and not for any personal issues.
It happened to me lately, to prepare a post, make it look good, as all of my posts, but then saying, NAH, who will care about it anyway, and just post it else where then TH.
If I am wrong about few points here, show me where I am wrong, if I am feeling wrong, then please, help me get my love to TH back, because I do love this place, but its not loving me back…
Below are few testimonials taken from few users:
"I don’t feel any thing anymore toward TH to be very honest, there is nothing that pulls me back to stay and be active, its not like before anymore, I feel my efforts are going into waste, while my time is precious." SYSTEM.S
"I used to feel that TranceHits is my second home , where i meet people who feel the same feelings i do , where i share my opinions , art work , music tastes and talk about everything related to trance! this home has gone away due all the reasons listed above" ROLAND
“[i]I literally stopped posting in TH 2 weeks ago because of all the mentioned above as well, TH NOW is not the place that I used to consider home back then.â€
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